How many faking they streams
Getting they plays from machines
you just made jcole had 3 flop songs in a row. stay mad 😌
I wish yall would ride for yourselves the way yall ride for drake. Pulling up his stats like its a win for yall will always be weird.
Yea how else will y’all get your vital music discussion like ranking Kanye albums or posting about 6ix9ine
The discussion about charts is CLEARLY what’s ruining music sxn
Safe i dont understand how my kim kardashian rapper dating cash app bet thread got locked. Legit asking. I thought it would be an interesting fun thread.
you just made jcole had 3 flop songs in a row. stay mad 😌
Sorry but im not a cole stan. Cole been mid for a hot minute
sorry u got big mad at my post fam
I'm just playin', but all good jokes contain true s***
It’s a Khaled single even if it flopped it would mean nothing about Drake
Popstar the second best song he dropped last year tho
POPSTAR didn’t even flop too that’s the crazy part
POPSTAR didn’t even flop too that’s the crazy part
didn't it debut at #4 or something?
this s*** aged horribly. i hate that it had to be a good user like @martian_master too
this s*** aged horribly. i hate that it had to be a good user like @martian_master too
Haha how so? the songs 2x plat, spent months in the top 40 & one of the top 100 biggest songs last year
EDIT: the title was made in satire after people said the song came and went lol not sure if u meant that.
didn't it debut at #4 or something?
3 and several weeks in top 20/40
Not sure if you read OP Lol
POPSTAR didn’t even flop too that’s the crazy part
Not sure if u read OP lol the title is satire
3 and several weeks in top 20/40
Not sure if you read OP Lol
Didn't realize this was trolling troll threads
this s*** aged horribly. i hate that it had to be a good user like @martian_master too
lol we gotta start reading posts and not just the title. y'all trying to cook OP and not looking at what he said.
I wish yall would ride for yourselves the way yall ride for drake. Pulling up his stats like its a win for yall will always be weird.
Not weird when you’re from Toronto. It’s natural to ride for ya city’s talent. That’s YOUR city.
Idk about all these CLB boys coming out of Missouri & Idaho & s*** though
LNCL flopped tho op
Not sure if u read OP lol the title is satire
I did, this was directed at those calling POPSTAR a flop