  • Sep 30, 2024

    Yup it’s already been done and they act like im crazy taking freedom away. Basically im just saying instead of that put a paywall on it to incentivize less consumption while making easy “tax money’ for other things. Win win

    Putting p*** on a paywall is the fastest way to open up black market consumption where even more depraved and illegal s*** would thrive btw.

  • Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Reading this thread waiting for @op to bring up the very notorious p*** withdrawal that niggas pass away from


  • Sep 30, 2024

    Literally forever

    They were carving s***scenes onto rocks

    The cavemen highkey shoulda regulated that s***.

    You gotta sell at least 3 rocks before you was allowed to see a carved s***scene

  • Sep 30, 2024

    And you niggas saying “maybe it’s just a personal problem” discount the fact that a kid can search a video at age 8, become deep into it not knowing what’s good for him, become addicted and at that point it’s beyond just free will of just saying turn off the screen bc it’s not that easy. Even saw a post in r/suicidewatch JUST yesterday of a guy saying he’s addicted to it since kindergarten and it has a hold on him. Before even thinking of making this thread ive seen hundreds of data points of p*** hurting people. Just because youre fine doesn’t mean there should be MORE OF AN INCENTIVE PUT IN PLACE TO NOT
    WATCH IT that’s all I’m saying in op

    Ayo if p*** making you suicidal that is highkey a sign you had mental problems ruminating well beforehand and p*** was just a conduit for that s*** to come out.

  • Sep 30, 2024
    1 reply


    Being sarcastic.

    Waiting for yall (porn literally kills people) ass niggas to give alcohol this same energy tho

    One day.

  • Sep 30, 2024

    Being sarcastic.

    Waiting for yall (porn literally kills people) ass niggas to give alcohol this same energy tho

    One day.

    yeah and also wanting strict p*** access =/= it being illegal.

    i agree online p*** should have restriction, like online gambling is, but shouldnt be banned. involve id and/or bank account which will also benefit p*** sites as well instead of only being supported by ads. its literally a win-win overall solving two issues at once.

    or keep the ads but just make it where you need a verified 18+ account attached or shown to be let in. again, like other adult things online such as gambling or buying alcohol online.

    niggas always want extremes that only benefit them only, which only makes things even worse.

  • Oct 3, 2024

    counter argument: illicit d**** should be legal

    Legal ones should be illegal as well.

  • Oct 3, 2024

    Absolutely agree. Most guys I know (including myself) stumbled upon it at a young age and have battled with it since then to some extent. Nothing positive about it except a temporary "high" like any other d***. Destructive in ways that we tend to underestimate because we've been doing it for so long that its effects feel like it's just a regular part of us when in fact it does alter our minds, desires, views and expectations of women/intimacy.

  • Oct 5, 2024

    F*** you

  • Oct 5, 2024


  • Oct 5, 2024


  • Oct 5, 2024

    Honestly most mainstream p*** is really gross and exploitative. Making it illegal doesn’t solve that. We need to regulate it better. Hollywood and the music industry are hardly any better.

  • Oct 5, 2024

    I didn’t start watching p*** fr until I was 22-23. I’d occasionally watch some soft core s*** like lesbians kissing but I’d never beat off to it. I dread to think what my life would be like if I actually had free access to p*** at a younger age. We had one family computer growing up n I was tryna game on that, then highschool, I was in boarding school so no real privacy although you had a couple niggas would beat off in the showers.

    Anyways p*** for me was mainly a tool to learn to edge initially. When I started f***in I was a minute man so I used p*** to try n up my endurance. The s*** worked

    A lil too well though. It became a problem when I started using it to cope with s*** going on in my life. Shorty canceled? Well lemme beat off. Job interview ain’t go well? Lemme beat off. Bored? Lemme beat off. Minor inconvenience? Lemme beat off.
    Feeling numb to everything? Lemme beat off.

    Spiraled to that degree. I’ve been able to ween myself off of it the last month n a half so far. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to completely give it up, but I can definitely minimize how much I consume it. Although frequency really isn’t my problem. I probably watch p*** 1-2 times a week the problem is why I watch it. It’s become a coping mechanism. I won’t even be h**** but I’ll watch it. It’s starting to impact my relationship.
