yeah this AOTY so far
gorgeous record, I’m sure some of the big EDM fans will be disappointed but as a longtime fan who’s pivoted to more experimental/ambient stuff as I’ve grown older this is hitting a lot of the notes i wanted
gorgeous record, I’m sure some of the big EDM fans will be disappointed but as a longtime fan who’s pivoted to more experimental/ambient stuff as I’ve grown older this is hitting a lot of the notes i wanted
I honestly could not give a f*** about his edm fans 80 percent of that s*** is generic af why would they even expect him to keep on making that its like reverse of his personality
gorgeous record, I’m sure some of the big EDM fans will be disappointed but as a longtime fan who’s pivoted to more experimental/ambient stuff as I’ve grown older this is hitting a lot of the notes i wanted
7 years and those dorks still expecting another worlds
the best adjective for this is pretty, it’s just a very pretty record from top to bottom. perfect springtime release
He needs to tour, hearing this live alongside the visual background he always incorporates might send me to another dimension
He needs to tour, hearing this live alongside the visual background he always incorporates might send me to another dimension
I read somewhere there is a live show planned
Porter’s currently live tweeting the album, not gonna link them all rn but if u wanna see him do a track by track commentary go for it!!