part 2
@Danny your style of posting got me crine idek know if its intentional or not but i love it
@Magenta for being himself
RIP all your threads from last year that keep getting bumped tho
@Kev goated avis/goated banter
@wolves such a chill fam
@python you already know
@blahblahem OG
@Artisntdeadyet always persevering, love to see it
@rhymingrhino your life a movie bro
@IFeelTerrific the truth
@Slxm_village haven't interacted with you that much yet but you seem like a real one
Thank you king
Shoutout @Kev @Artisntdeadyet @wolves @Tvmim @python @IFeelTerrific @In_my_white_tee @blahblahem @dutchye
Y’all are some of the funniest people on the site and keep me real life crine daily
Thank you king
moved to misc and not positivity sxn...
Real ones since day one
Thank you my king
Sorry op cant choose only one
Much love brother
my boy
I appreciate it, I feel the same way for all of you 💜
I would like nominate @python . Not only does he get lots of ladies but i heard he has a gigantic cock. Built different.
Where is tough scene
if i start listing out everyone i fw this s*** will go on forever so i’ll just use this spot to shout out the GOAT, @PerryTheMADLADYPUS
I would like nominate @python . Not only does he get lots of ladies but i heard he has a gigantic cock. Built different.
Positivity hours but it's depression hours if you don't get mentioned. How ironic. Checkmate atheists
Fun lad
if i start listing out everyone i fw this s*** will go on forever so i’ll just use this spot to shout out the GOAT, @PerryTheMADLADYPUS
Positivity hours but it's depression hours if you don't get mentioned. How ironic. Checkmate atheists
Dust feller I'm a centrist crine