I love you all 🙈🙈🙈
My f***ing bro
Thanks and much respect ❄️❄️❄️
Man I’m gettin love itt :’) gotta show some BACK
My Weeknd Fam
@BGFX u know I got you always my man
@SonicNirvana one of the first ppl on KTT I ‘member
@Antidote positivity stop getting like banned tho
@kiddash3r always putting in work
@nylon king of XO
Tnght we boolin
@QueenAlexa :’(
part 1
@BaroudeurFlipFlop for making it out that Rilette party alive
@QueenAlexa for being herself
@passing_the_time for all the banter and funny moments
@YoungWaltDisney for being a wholesome dude
@pussy_bacon for being the CEO of comedy
@ryder for being a savage
@Jerry_Seinfeld for being himself (aka GOAT)
@FreddieKaneTop5 for contributing alot to the community with his solid af threads and energy
@PushaToThe for the vubes
F***ing love you Perry
@CilviaDemo has GOAT taste shoutout to him as well
He really does. Would be one of the first to give the aux to in the whip on a long drive. Especially his rap taste.
@CilviaDemo what you been playing heavy recently???
part 2
@Danny your style of posting got me crine idek know if its intentional or not but i love it
@Magenta for being himself
RIP all your threads from last year that keep getting bumped tho
@Kev goated avis/goated banter
@wolves such a chill fam
@python you already know
@blahblahem OG
@Artisntdeadyet always persevering, love to see it
@rhymingrhino your life a movie bro
@IFeelTerrific the truth
@Slxm_village haven't interacted with you that much yet but you seem like a real one
@rwina is an amazing poster and is named after a queen
I legit love every single one of y'all that it's too many to @.
Thank y'all for making me constantly laugh my f***ing ass off and y'all all got fire tastes.
Real ass post
love yall @Tomorrow @kiddash3r
Preciate all of yall fr
Appreciate u my brother ❤
@rwina is an amazing poster and is named after a queen
real bring the duck home
@rwina is an amazing poster and is named after a queen
Rwina a GOAT.
I would like nominate @python . Not only does he get lots of ladies but i heard he has a gigantic cock. Built different.
Didn’t expect this energy on page 27
pt 2 !!
@QueenAlexa mod of the GOAT sxn and a general GOAT
@rhymingrhino also mod of the GOAT sxn and heavily getting the community involved in fun s***, respect the f*** out of it
@justwantyandhi he just wants yandhi, simple as, I respect it. been there thru the good and bad times of donder rollout
@IFeelTerrific pushes the boundaries with every post and I wouldn't have it any other way. the time he was locked away was tough for us all
@stillness best avi on this site bar none. legendary s*** for a legendary user. fall guys nights return snr than sn
@passing_the_time iconic avi, iconic banter, the best welshman to walk the earth
@KanyesBills another amazing avi and we will never ever forget the page full of balls
@Kev also always have hilarious klopp avis and generally funny as f***, a fellow jorja appreciator
@Tubig extremely chill vibes, grinds hard and is the only ktt2 user as good as me at skribblio
@blahblahem a wacko b****** (in the best way possible)
shoutout to everyone itt . even tho i’ve met none of you in real life i feel like we’re lifelong friends
. y’all have been there for me during my highs and my lows. whenever i’m having a bad day i hop on KTT and it makes everything better . you guys are my online fam fr.
ok this bout to be long as f*** but lets go
@PerryTheMADLADYPUS genuinely the funniest/most creative poster on this site and it ain't close
@python what really needs to be said, a walking living legend on this forum
@Antidote the man who literally spread too much love for the site to handle. must have the record for most likes by any user on this site in donder thread alone. a positive king
@ANTI a legend and OG, one of the first users I remember being cool on KTT1
@yesac another OG and legend, coolest mod you'll meet tbh
@Magenta come home soon my ovo brother
@Danny come home soon my Belgian brother
@huell free this man !!
@rwina free this duck !!
@King free this alpaca !!
Perry needs to run for office tbh. I made a thread last month or two ago about how we need to elect this MF for president
pt 2 !!
@QueenAlexa mod of the GOAT sxn and a general GOAT
@rhymingrhino also mod of the GOAT sxn and heavily getting the community involved in fun s***, respect the f*** out of it
@justwantyandhi he just wants yandhi, simple as, I respect it. been there thru the good and bad times of donder rollout
@IFeelTerrific pushes the boundaries with every post and I wouldn't have it any other way. the time he was locked away was tough for us all
@stillness best avi on this site bar none. legendary s*** for a legendary user. fall guys nights return snr than sn
@passing_the_time iconic avi, iconic banter, the best welshman to walk the earth
@KanyesBills another amazing avi and we will never ever forget the page full of balls
@Kev also always have hilarious klopp avis and generally funny as f***, a fellow jorja appreciator
@Tubig extremely chill vibes, grinds hard and is the only ktt2 user as good as me at skribblio
@blahblahem a wacko b****** (in the best way possible)
@passing_the_time needs his old handsome Walsh avi back