and allears
a crime that this didn’t make it over
Lennon also thought almost all of his own songs were trash
dont trust artists opinion on their own music
Kendrick said Damn is his best and TPAB was more about the message as if the music on it isn't miles better than Damn
cause they probably haven't lol imagine saying s*** like contusion, pastime paradise, and isn't she lovely are not high enough highs
Only thing this thread proves is that almost everyone itt probably hasnt heard the album lmaoo
i like krit but i didn't even see that
i tried that album and couldn’t get past the first track ngl
Kendrick said Damn is his best and TPAB was more about the message as if the music on it isn't miles better than Damn
He was on his promo run, can you blame him?
i ain't gonna lie tho i like innervisions more than songs in the key of life
I do too lowkeyy. Golden Girl is my favorite Stevie song OAT
i tried that album and couldn’t get past the first track ngl
its actually pretty good for what it is wouldn't put it near my top double albums tho lol
I do too lowkeyy. Golden Girl is my favorite Stevie song OAT
too high and higher ground are mine
White album has Dear Prudence and While My Guitar Gently Weeps
White album has Dear Prudence and While My Guitar Gently Weeps
White Album > Key Of Life
i love bey but no
The first disc is good
There are some alright ones on the second
i ain't gonna lie tho i like innervisions more than songs in the key of life
Can’t go wrong with either tbh, man they’re so GOAT tier