mf really tried to sneak Forest Hills Drive
and i saw your Ye album rankings
i hate you so much, god your taste is s***
mf really tried to sneak Forest Hills Drive
and i saw your Ye album rankings
i hate you so much, god your taste is s***
Oh, I used the Prince smiley bc Prince - 1999 is a better 1999 album imho haha.
damn well i still meant that s***
yall lucky i wasnt on here when this thread was made because 333 would have been the first post
its my f***ing opinion. idc about Kanye bots
Why you so mad
yall lucky i wasnt on here when this thread was made because 333 would have been the first post
Damn, we really were lucky
Damn, we really were lucky
mf really tried to sneak Forest Hills Drive
and i saw your Ye album rankings
i hate you so much, god your taste is s***
? who are you lol don't quote me weirdo