no one said Burzum yet? Literal neo nazi, great couple of albums tho, but mostly listened to music freaks like myself and losers who think women and POC are evil
i’m both
besides hopsin none of these songs in the thread really fit in my opinion. Like i can totally see an actual loser listen to hopsin and then get mad how all the hot girls listen to drake or whatever
Can’t stand Varg
Now there’s a f***in loser.
more of a neonaz but l feel you
like fr though lmfao
op is cosplaying as a pedophile / is a legitimate pedophile
that 6ix9ine Stan on ktt1 was a pedo???
Drake stans think they’re an oppressed minority
Drake haters are too annoying man
Non p**** getting haters hating
we off p**** baby it's pride month, I'm suckin and f***in all the bussy
Can’t stand Varg
Now there’s a f***in loser.
I Cannot F***ing Wait Til Varg Dies