Post had nothing to do with drake
I simply did not like xxx. He was a terrible human being
behind closed doors a lot of people are pieces of s***, the only difference is that many of them hide it. We won't know until they get exposed. some people go a lifetime hiding their misdeeds. X had a lot of issues and did evil s*** but i do think that bad people can try to turn things around, some are even able to do so. unfortunately dude got killed at 20, so he didn't really get much time.
You the only person mentioning drake here bud
and you the one who decided to project that f*** nigga as your pfp so imma speak on it and make fun of you
and you the one who decided to project that f*** nigga as your pfp so imma speak on it and make fun of you
Your name is downer you could never make fun of me. You need to speak on some b****es
Your name is downer you could never make fun of me. You need to speak on some b****es
what ever bro you're literally posting messages to me on the same website telling me to go talk to women... you should prolly do the same
Your name is downer you could never make fun of me. You need to speak on some b****es
i prolly talk to more women every f***ing day more than he has in his entire life
who did it better
there's so f***ing many bruh
We could have a thread solely devoted to SGP
who did it better
i prolly talk to more women every f***ing day more than he has in his entire life
Cut the cap bro we know you not really built like that