This video scared the s*** out of me when I was a kid, but I could never look away
This video scared the s*** out of me when I was a kid, but I could never look away
! if you’ve seen his Walmart commercial but that s*** in uncanny too
lol I thought Let it Rock was the coolest song ever when it came out
“Nostalgic/Classic Just To You”
Whole first page is basically unanimous classics. Come on Yall
“Nostalgic/Classic Just To You”
Whole first page is basically unanimous classics. Come on Yall
💯 rs lmao. Realized I missed the assignment after I posted, I just posted my top 3 nostalgia
💯 rs lmao. Realized I missed the assignment after I posted, I just posted my top 3 nostalgia
I guess it is kinda hard to find a video that only you have nostalgia for, I mean yeah I know there’s not gonna be a video that only one person has nostalgia for
I’m going thru s*** and I feel like one that sticks out for me is the videos from T-Pain’s Thr33 Ringz album. At the time bro was my favorite artist. I was the guy getting punk’d on YouTube by clickbait “Tpain features.
Those videos were a milestone though. It may not have been the first time, but they way they used the green screen technology to make those videos was kinda new afaik.
“Nostalgic/Classic Just To You”
Whole first page is basically unanimous classics. Come on Yall
Tbh I misread the title
“Nostalgic/Classic Just To You”
Whole first page is basically unanimous classics. Come on Yall
Music video
S*** had me feeling pain for love I hadn’t even experienced at age 12
Music video
Look at my first post. Super classic to me. One of Ye’s greatest verses
“Nostalgic/Classic Just To You”
Whole first page is basically unanimous classics. Come on Yall
Tbh I was expecting hidden gems with deep personal backstories