Ugly or Cute??????
Need to know cause this is my current Tinder profile pic and I'm having a hard time getting matches.
Ugly or Cute??????
Need to know cause this is my current Tinder profile pic and I'm having a hard time getting matches.
For your new pic lose the jacket, the headphones, go outside, and smile with confidence. Also think about a shorter haircut
For your new pic lose the jacket, the headphones, go outside, and smile with confidence. Also think about a shorter haircut
Alright I have one of those pics as well. But the hair stays
Alright I have one of those pics as well. But the hair stays
Okay lol. Just show some life in your picture!
Where do you get the link
Upload to imgur and grab the image link
Upload to imgur and grab the image link
Bro why is this s*** so complicated
Bro why is this s*** so complicated
Okay so once you upload the picture there’s a little arrow on it you can hover over. You are going to do so and copy the bbcode link. Then you will remove the img parts and paste the link here. Once you do that just add the exclamation point in the beginning and it’ll work
Okay so once you upload the picture there’s a little arrow on it you can hover over. You are going to do so and copy the bbcode link. Then you will remove the img parts and paste the link here. Once you do that just add the exclamation point in the beginning and it’ll work
That’s too many steps for me to figure out rn will try again tomorrow
That’s too many steps for me to figure out rn will try again tomorrow
Just upload the pic to imgur and post what’s in the top bar and I’ll fix it for you
U ok man? U look like u gaining some weight
Edit: I don't mean this in a d***ish way, you looked good with a bit less weight in the first pic and I know I gained like 30 Lbs when I went through a tough breakup. Just making sure u good bro
U ok man? U look like u gaining some weight
Edit: I don't mean this in a d***ish way, you looked good with a bit less weight in the first pic and I know I gained like 30 Lbs when I went through a tough breakup. Just making sure u good bro
Lol I weigh the exact same in both these pictures. I think it's the shadows my guy
Lol I weigh the exact same in both these pictures. I think it's the shadows my guy
Maybe it is lol but for me when I gain weight that b**** goes directly to my cheeks and neck first that's why I said that
Maybe it is lol but for me when I gain weight that b**** goes directly to my cheeks and neck first that's why I said that
Cheers it's all good. I actually did go through a breakup when it was taken though
Cheers it's all good. I actually did go through a breakup when it was taken though
I'm telling u fam
Ugly or Cute??????
Need to know cause this is my current Tinder profile pic and I'm having a hard time getting matches.
Cute. I love your hair
Bro why is this s*** so complicated
When you upload to imgur, click the image and click something that says get share links. Copy the one that’s for forums. Past on your post but remove the first img that in front of the link. Replace it with a !