I mean she’s not ugly or anything but yall gassing her too much
U rather be underliked or overrated?
Cycle of a girl on the internet.
Loner boys move in.
Others roast them.
Girl never posts again
Yeah someone gotta break the cycle tho
Huh I have twitter mutuals itt i had no clue were ktt members lol
Huh I have twitter mutuals itt i had no clue were ktt members lol
did you sign up with your twitter
did you sign up with your twitter
What's your ethnicity btw
Part north germanic and part north African
From Reykjavik with Tunisian roots
( means i can say the n word and also join a nazi group)
Part north germanic and part north African
From Reykjavik with Tunisian roots
( means i can say the n word and also join a nazi group)
3 way split of Jordanian/Lebanese/Syrian and small amount of Ashkenazi(euro) Jewish
I'm peace in the middle east basically
both my parents were born in Jordan so the 23andme surprised me, they weren't happy with the jewish part lmfao
3 way split of Jordanian/Lebanese/Syrian and small amount of Ashkenazi(euro) Jewish
I'm peace in the middle east basically
both my parents were born in Jordan so the 23andme surprised me, they weren't happy with the jewish part lmfao
I wouldn't be happy too
Jk jk i luv erryone