I was gonna participate but u already ruined the thread we gotta try again later
I want to know Biggie's thought process when he made this
Wake up, take off your jewels
You f***in fool, you've been robbed
This an underrated joint here
Wake up, take off your jewels
You f***in fool, you've been robbed
This an underrated joint here
Is your name junior by any chance irl
Both were experimental tracks gone wrong and almost come off like parodies despite the creativity behind them.
I want to know Biggie's thought process when he made this
easily, i cant stand this song
!https://youtu.be/xKQIZREDmf4?si=kcIfqQF260PYkYRYnigga this s*** is GOSPEL you buggin buggin
nigga this s*** is GOSPEL you buggin buggin
i cant do the feature verse
earl did good
every time i hear his music that gets posted on here there's just something about it that's objectively hilarious, i dont know what it is