  • Sep 3, 2021

    @The Cooler Undecided I....... think I’m really about to give up on regular dating. I met someone who is a great match. We vibe perfectly and we looked like a power couple when we went out in public. He knows what I do for work and everything but there was a red flag: his ex was a cam girl and p*** actress and he wanted her to essentially stop. Now, On my tinder it said “no hookups” to which he was cool with. He was texting be back so quickly and with very long replies. He does like me but I thought it meant he would want to be with me by his actions.

    Well, I wrote a 4 page essay last night titled “in defense of s***work” it included why I’m a s***worker, the benefits of dating me, benefits of s***work, and what we could do to compromise. I also said I know we don’t need to rush things and be together this instant but, if you don’t think you can see this as an option in the future then it would be better to forgo continuing on with each other. He took it surprisingly well but now it seems like he’s backing away? He did give some reassuring words and he said he’s here for me..... but I still don’t have an answer on if he would be willing to work with me on that in the future......... I know it sounds crazy but we’ve only known eachother for a week and we’ve hung out twice. But I’m the kind of person that knows on the first date if I would be able to be with someone

    Advice please :///

  • Sep 4, 2021

    We posting too many avys bruhs

  • Sep 4, 2021

    Sure thing, lmk if the sat badges become available.

    I'll take a Sunday badge.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    who want me

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    I want to f*** her a*** until it's stretched and worn out and sounds like a busted exhaust being revved when she fart

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    I want to f*** her a*** until it's stretched and worn out and sounds like a busted exhaust being revved when she fart

    @python this you?

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply

    @python this you?


  • Sep 4, 2021


    realized after the fact you would type something 3 times as long

  • Sep 4, 2021
    1 reply
  • Sep 4, 2021
    3 replies

    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

  • Sep 4, 2021

    RowGen.singleDataHandler(node,data,this.horizontal_d,this.leftOffset,searchType, user,this.hasUrlRoute,args0,super.genres${searchType})

  • Sep 4, 2021

  • Sep 4, 2021
    rnb sponge


  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Sep 4, 2021
  • plants 🌻
    Sep 5, 2021

    Starting the day hitting send on a snarky ass email>>>

  • Sep 5, 2021
    bitch mob

    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

  • Sep 5, 2021
    1 reply
    bitch mob

    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

    Need the thread for this

  • bitch mob

    A quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. KTT2. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good riddance KTT2. You have failed. I for one, will never be back.

  • Sep 5, 2021

    Need the thread for this

    ye beef thread in music but the person who sent it to me does not remember what page it's on.
