I was having a stim fueled night of masturbating and accidentally came on my uncovered wax sitting on the table beside me and decided to smoke it anyway to go to sleep later. I can’t even describe the taste in words, but it gave me a lung infection or something, I never went to the dr because I didn’t want to tell anyone, and I would randomly vomit for the next few days.
Women with intellectual disabilities are at greater risk of experiencing domestic violences. Some argue statistically are at higher risk as they experience stigma and stereotypes, their experiences go unnoticed, most vulnerable groups that are under represented. With the limitation of vocability or impairment of communicating, many incidents can be viable to go unnoticed. Women with intellectual disabilities seek love and affection within relationships, typically can be valued to a point shadowing the domestic violences. Many have experienced/ still experiencing relationships where women with intellectual disabilities are still holding relationships, even though that specific relationship consists of domestic violences. Typically women in these relationships are undervalued and can be subjective to hindering factors, such as physical and mental health are at risk. Interviews from victims who experienced domestic violence had showcased a sense of belonging being questioned, contributing to their childhood experiences that consisted of physical abuse and trauma. Making the individual feel helpless about who they are. Another contributing factor will stem from society, Societal devaluation can make a significant effect for those in a vulnerable state.
We almost had a whole page worth of aviposts of this one on the DavidP thread last night
We almost had a whole page worth of aviposts of this one on the DavidP thread last night
yeah i saw that it was funny as f***.
There will be more Tyler hate threads in the future and the same lame n****s hating on him in those threads while the people that enjoys his music continue to get money and f*** women that listen to Tyler