only difference was she said she was gonna ignore my messages from now on. I'm sure s*** will get better for me I just gotta get my s*** together
the texts you posted were sad but I hope you're good today
Ik its been a while, but was wondering if ud be down to get to know each other, maybe hang out or something
Context: i sent her 2 heartfelt msgs on tinder this is my last reply its been over a year and she hasnt responded to any of them. She a fine ass emo white girl
nah bro this was in high school
i was oblivious as f*** when it came to flirting until my senior year
fumbled so many opportunities because of it
I feel this. Had all the hottest girls feeling me but i fumbled them all
here’s one I sent to my therapist
Ngl im pretty sure my therapist wanted to f*** and i wish i sent her this
BVL taking all unimaginable texting embarrassment so nobody else has to experience it
BVL taking all unimaginable texting embarrassment so nobody else has to experience it
BVL did that, so hopefully you don't have to go through that