I quit smoking and drinking like a month ago and already gone up a belt notch this sober life s*** boring af just be snacking n s***
Boring life the way man. U just gotta find a hobbie that be getting u so hooked that u forget to eat type s***
Moving like dennis with them girls I bet
Moving like dennis with them girls I bet
Dennis really said “ Women are too f***ing hot
They know they're too hot. They don't give a f***. It's the Heat Of The Moment. ”
@WINTER at least change title to
Plottwist was there is no plot twist, Everything the Same
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwcU4DyB98wNWTS nostalgia hits different
happy thanksgiving to all my canadian posters btw, hope yall enjoying a nice day with fam or with people you enjoy being around!
Late night vibes . Where ya @
doing a slayer task on runescape wyd
doing a slayer task on runescape wyd
I didn’t know that s*** was still a thing. No way u actually having fun. I’m sitting down got 2 more hours before I can lay down and sleep.
I didn’t know that s*** was still a thing. No way u actually having fun. I’m sitting down got 2 more hours before I can lay down and sleep.
2 more hours, why?
2 more hours, why?
I can’t lay down after I eat cuz of acid s*** so I sit down on my chair until 3am so I can sleep better. The past 3 days I been sitting on my chair the whole day until it’s time to sleep. The throat sensation is finally getting better gang.
any1 ever use chatgpt around here? regularly?
Try putting in this prompt "From all of our interactions what is one thing that you can tell me about myself that I may not know about myself"
then followed by this prompt "More brutal, and extend to inferences you have about what might be true about me, beyond the exact facts you memorized about me"
I can’t lay down after I eat cuz of acid s*** so I sit down on my chair until 3am so I can sleep better. The past 3 days I been sitting on my chair the whole day until it’s time to sleep. The throat sensation is finally getting better gang.
Get a wedge pillow off amazon
Get a wedge pillow off amazon
any other good pillow recommendations? gotta replace all of mine
any other good pillow recommendations? gotta replace all of mine
The more firm memory foam ones are top tier imo. Can find those on Amazon as well. Can't name a specific brand but just read reviews
The more firm memory foam ones are top tier imo. Can find those on Amazon as well. Can't name a specific brand but just read reviews
ive tried so many but the memory foam ones either get super compact and firm, or the down ones turn into a sheet of paper