this comparison always been superficial and lowkey racist cuz they look nothing alike, sound nothing alike and their fashion sense ain’t even that similar specially if u take out the streetwear sensibilities (also rocky didn’t invent flannel shirts and travis didn’t invent cargos)
back to the subject Travis would easily win imo
Avi to thread correlation
Anybody who actually thinks Travis is outrapping Rocky definitely rode the short bus from K-12.
Anybody who actually thinks Travis is outrapping Rocky definitely rode the short bus from K-12.
But nobody thinks this right ?
i mean travis f***ed his wife so can he really lose this
Do the math who I was hitting then
in my fanfiction travis scott brings back spaceghostpurrp and he has a comeback and rocky is eternally defeated like the final boss in a video game
Travis would actually be listenable with prime SGP production
Today I learned Travis Scott has a neck tattoo of the word “Puke” right next to a cross
the story behind that tattoo's f***ing dumb
Travis would actually be listenable with prime SGP production
2024 and niggas still tryna convince the world sgp has ever been even half decent
I’ll never forget ktt1 yall weird ass niggas had sgp beat ye in the producer battle
I know it means nothing but I’m a man of principle and I still want them niggas to be dealt with
Abraham Lincoln shot dead