  • Feb 15, 2024
    1 reply

    All these reviews are bullshit because if ye was still the music/fashion driven ye that only made uproars about those topics they’ll still be on his d*** giving him 10/10 for each album, but since he went out of that element and starting diving into politics,history etc they’ve been giving him negative reviews ever since not saying they don’t have every right, but if you reviewing music you gotta be able to take your own bias out of it

    Facts but at the same time it’s his own fault. Nobody told him to act like an idiot at the end of the day. He’s not doing anything progressive and doesn’t even know what he’s talking about a lot of the time. He’s just being an edgelord for the sake of it and a lot of it is due to not getting treated for his mental health issues and actually making moves to heal.

  • Feb 15, 2024
    1 reply

    Facts but at the same time it’s his own fault. Nobody told him to act like an idiot at the end of the day. He’s not doing anything progressive and doesn’t even know what he’s talking about a lot of the time. He’s just being an edgelord for the sake of it and a lot of it is due to not getting treated for his mental health issues and actually making moves to heal.

    Yeah it’s def his fault, but son apologized for it he didn’t do no chris brown s*** or no r kelly s*** so they need to get over it

  • DicherdownDAVE9

    Yeah it’s def his fault, but son apologized for it he didn’t do no chris brown s*** or no r kelly s*** so they need to get over it

    I mean he went and said “keep a few jews on the staff now” on the album lmaooo and that TMZ s*** he did a few days ago clearly shows he didn’t have any actual remorse like that lmao

  • DicherdownDAVE9

    All these reviews are bullshit because if ye was still the music/fashion driven ye that only made uproars about those topics they’ll still be on his d*** giving him 10/10 for each album, but since he went out of that element and starting diving into politics,history etc they’ve been giving him negative reviews ever since not saying they don’t have every right, but if you reviewing music you gotta be able to take your own bias out of it

  • Feb 15, 2024
    2 replies

    Don’t give either review a view or read. They’re both political hit jobs, no matter how obtuse they are about it.

    The moment Ye started changing his social and political beliefs they turned on him like he was Toby Keith.

    Liberal outlets do this to conservative creators all the time. It’s honestly disgusting and despicable.

  • Feb 15, 2024

    Pitchfork review is one of the only good ones I've ever read from there. Fair score too.

  • Feb 15, 2024

    Hope he reads the pitchfork review lol

    It’s the perfect explanation of why all his albums after TLOP have a “feel” of not being like his other stuff lol. He fell into looping his own tropes from 2010-2016 and adding to that constantly instead of doing a genuine dive into a whole new sound and aesthetic for each album like he did in the 2000’s

    the observation about DSPs is a good one and not really one I'd seen or engaged with before.

    Kanye's ability as an editor definitely peaked at like yeezus and has varied wildly since. The Wyoming albums were on some level imo an attempt to recapture that tight, focused approach but it didn't really work for everything that came out of that period. On the other end of the spectrum you have stuff like donda which is just overstuffed completely.

  • Feb 15, 2024

    Don’t give either review a view or read. They’re both political hit jobs, no matter how obtuse they are about it.

    The moment Ye started changing his social and political beliefs they turned on him like he was Toby Keith.

    Liberal outlets do this to conservative creators all the time. It’s honestly disgusting and despicable.

    Probably but album is still mid

  • Feb 15, 2024

    pitchfork review is spot on both in score and content

  • Feb 15, 2024
    1 reply

    wouldn't be surprised if p4k doesn't review it

  • Feb 15, 2024

    wouldn't be surprised if p4k doesn't review it

    never been so immediately wrong before

  • Feb 15, 2024

    I actually like the pitchfork review

  • Feb 15, 2024

    a lot of the flaws of the album are the same flaws utopia had which is is probably why it reminded me of it

  • Feb 15, 2024

    Don’t give either review a view or read. They’re both political hit jobs, no matter how obtuse they are about it.

    The moment Ye started changing his social and political beliefs they turned on him like he was Toby Keith.

    Liberal outlets do this to conservative creators all the time. It’s honestly disgusting and despicable.

  • Feb 15, 2024

    All these reviews are bullshit because if ye was still the music/fashion driven ye that only made uproars about those topics they’ll still be on his d*** giving him 10/10 for each album, but since he went out of that element and starting diving into politics,history etc they’ve been giving him negative reviews ever since not saying they don’t have every right, but if you reviewing music you gotta be able to take your own bias out of it

    not true at all imo. the music is obviously worse quality than it used to be in almost every way. felt like the p4k one they actually accurately dive into why it feels that way instead of picking on him for his political views, which i'm sure past reviews of his you could make that argument for