  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Bro the fact you this worked up over me saying he’s well is weird. Go read a book or something homie, quit being so pressed.

    nobodys worked up bro it's an internet forum

  • Jul 20, 2020
    Jeezus Kweist

    nobodys worked up bro it's an internet forum

    boom! It’s an Internet forum, not a doctors office. So everyone pipe down and let Ye be Ye

  • Jul 20, 2020

    Added all the new policy from the radio interview

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply

    "he is well"
    "not a doctors office"

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Okay heard it backwards but still what’s wrong with him getting emotional over that?

    Nothing at all b

  • Jul 20, 2020
    Jeezus Kweist

    "he is well"
    "not a doctors office"

    Lmaooooo bro the fact you lack common sense to understand that it doesn’t take a doctor to say someone is well VS tryna diagnose someone is beyond me

  • Jul 20, 2020

    Nothing at all b

    Niggas just being weirdos ITT?

  • Jul 20, 2020

    Damn I just diagnosed him with lacking common sense. NOW I’m a hypocrite.

  • Jul 20, 2020
    2 replies

    I mean how do we know that Harriet Tubman really freed any slaves, all our history is taught to us by the people who wrote it. Why would they gas up some random black lady back in the day you see what im sayin?

  • Jul 20, 2020

    They ain’t call Ye bi-polar back when he use to buy polo #bars

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean how do we know that Harriet Tubman really freed any slaves, all our history is taught to us by the people who wrote it. Why would they gas up some random black lady back in the day you see what im sayin?

    I agree 100%, I’m not here to question the truth. But why do people automatically write Ye off as if we know anymore than he does, just cus it was taught to us in “history books”, none of us was there so nobody know wtf really happened.

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    I agree 100%, I’m not here to question the truth. But why do people automatically write Ye off as if we know anymore than he does, just cus it was taught to us in “history books”, none of us was there so nobody know wtf really happened.

    I dont think thats what he alluding to. Him going from Harriet tubman to nba not having any black directors probably alludes to financial freedom and how that is a form of slavery

  • Jul 20, 2020

    I dont think thats what he alluding to. Him going from Harriet tubman to nba not having any black directors probably alludes to financial freedom and how that is a form of slavery

    Hell even better then, I just wish Ye articulated a little better so people wouldn’t just jump to hateful conclusions

  • Jul 20, 2020

    This is so sad man.

  • Jul 20, 2020

    Yall are too used to presidential candidates being emotionless robots b

    Bro you been saying nothing but facts in this thread. Just had to let you know

  • Jul 20, 2020

    It's sad to see how many people here are absolutely brainwashed. Very few people here have any kind of substantial political or social knowledge so don't act like you do. You're all just siding with Ye because you're letting your love for him as an artist cloud your perceptions.

    • Yes being anti Planned Parenthood is stupid
    • Yes reducing the complex f***ing issue of gun violence to people just choosing to make bad decisions by pulling the trigger is idiotic
    • Yes being anti vax is extremely f***ing dangerous especially during a literal global pandemic
    • Yes not even having ANY foreign policies in mind while you're running for f***ing president is insane
    • Yes being a Republican (which he said he would run as if his buddy Trump wasn't already running) is moronic and it's very clear he wants to cut corporate taxes which would only further contribute the insane income gap
    • Yes it's stupid to be continuously and exclusively targeting the "Democrats" when it's very clear that the actions and beliefs of the right are the source of the legitimately debilitating racism in this country
    • Yes it's idiotic to always point to God and his religion as the solution to actual real world issues and to suggest that prayer should be mandated in school when the majority of the country isn't even Christian and when separation of church and state is integral to the freedoms this nation abides by

    F*** any one of you who throw away a vote on Ye or support any of this. Especially during a time like this when he's clearly having an extreme manic episode and needs SERIOUS HELP. Not to be enabled by everyone while trying to run for the most powerful position in the world that affects every single person's daily lives at the cusp of the most important election in recent history. If you guys truly loved Kanye like you say you do you wouldn't be okay watching this man literally destroy himself in front of our own eyes. Any real fan would want Kanye to get the assistance he badly needs for his mental health not cheerlead him during this awful display.

    Nah my nigga say it correctly don’t say “ Yes being anti Planned Parenthood is stupid”

    Say “Yes being anti negro project is stupid”

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Wtf this is so much worse than you guys made it seem. I've never seen Ye crying and screaming like this. The man needs serious help. Why are his friends and family letting him f***ing do this; the man is clearly not in a state to be running for president.

    This man gets emotional over talking about how his dad wanted to abort him and his deceased mother who’s birthday just passed was the one to save him and your reaction is “he needs serious help” wtf is wrong with you bro cus I don’t think you was trolling with that comment, are y’all kids really this sheltered to where y’all lack human decency and compassion?

  • TraewayTrueToATL11

    I mean how do we know that Harriet Tubman really freed any slaves, all our history is taught to us by the people who wrote it. Why would they gas up some random black lady back in the day you see what im sayin?

    Maybe you should read a book sometime before you say something stupid

  • Jul 20, 2020

    This whole planned parenthood is a ploy to decrease black lives is such a weird thing to me

    like, yes, neither political party cares about black people in the sense of improving their lives, but the democrats feign interest in caring because black people are a large portion of their voting bloc

    so if planned parenthood was a liberal plot (because conservatives would close all the clinics tomorrow if they could) to get rid of black lives, how does that make sense? its like you all just hear that the founder was in favor of eugenics, and take that as some signal that she created planned parenthood to get rid of black people, even though she was also very much against abortion. It's irresponsible to let a legitimate skepticism and mistrust/dislike of government lead way to baseless conspiracies

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    This man gets emotional over talking about how his dad wanted to abort him and his deceased mother who’s birthday just passed was the one to save him and your reaction is “he needs serious help” wtf is wrong with you bro cus I don’t think you was trolling with that comment, are y’all kids really this sheltered to where y’all lack human decency and compassion?

    Dude. There’s getting emotional and then there’s having an actual breakdown with screaming at a political rally. And this isn’t just one isolated incident. This is part of a trend of very clear bipolar extremes over the past year or so and it’s only gotten worse. Idk how fans of Kanye would be so against this man getting the help he needs right now. You can’t let a mental condition this serious be untreated for so long. Medication is crucial to maintaining a normal state, as well as meditating and behavioral therapy. He doesn’t have to go overboard with it but you can’t completely disregard the meds and rely on religion to get you through it. I promise you if he continues the way he has been it’s only going to get worse and I don’t want to see Kanye destruct before our own eyes.

    People really think “oh that’s just crazy old Kanye, that’s how he is” but as exciting as these extreme highs and lows might be for some people watching, it’s not good for his health and these highs always are followed by inevitable crashes that take you to a dark place. We can’t lie to ourselves and pretend like this is healthy for him, and the people close to him need to a better job of actually helping him rather than being yes men who let him do whatever he wants. That’s partly what family and friends are there for: to help you when you can’t help yourself and when you’re misguided.

  • Jul 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Dude. There’s getting emotional and then there’s having an actual breakdown with screaming at a political rally. And this isn’t just one isolated incident. This is part of a trend of very clear bipolar extremes over the past year or so and it’s only gotten worse. Idk how fans of Kanye would be so against this man getting the help he needs right now. You can’t let a mental condition this serious be untreated for so long. Medication is crucial to maintaining a normal state, as well as meditating and behavioral therapy. He doesn’t have to go overboard with it but you can’t completely disregard the meds and rely on religion to get you through it. I promise you if he continues the way he has been it’s only going to get worse and I don’t want to see Kanye destruct before our own eyes.

    People really think “oh that’s just crazy old Kanye, that’s how he is” but as exciting as these extreme highs and lows might be for some people watching, it’s not good for his health and these highs always are followed by inevitable crashes that take you to a dark place. We can’t lie to ourselves and pretend like this is healthy for him, and the people close to him need to a better job of actually helping him rather than being yes men who let him do whatever he wants. That’s partly what family and friends are there for: to help you when you can’t help yourself and when you’re misguided.

    All I know is this whole “Kanye crazy and bi-polar” s*** became a trend as of lately. Wasn’t nobody talking that s*** during his CD days or LR days or Grad days, etc. Ye gon be just fine.

  • Jul 20, 2020
    Oscar Winner

    All I know is this whole “Kanye crazy and bi-polar” s*** became a trend as of lately. Wasn’t nobody talking that s*** during his CD days or LR days or Grad days, etc. Ye gon be just fine.

    This isn’t THAT Kanye though. Watch videos of him from over a decade ago and that’s very clear. These conditions can sneak up on you later in life. I only started getting symptoms of depression and anxiety myself a few years ago. I was completely fine for the first 18 or so years of my life. And I’m sure his mom dying helped trigger it in his case.

    I’m genuinely very very worried about Ye and I think any fans of him should be right now. It pisses me off that people around him are letting him unravel in the public eye and it’ll only be worse for him and feed back into his condition once he sees the backlash to it. Just ignoring something as serious as bipolar disorder when you’ve been formally diagnosed with it is not the way to go.