Generic white male face #32 checking in
Apparently im fairly good looking
Let’s make a ugly thread wtf
Rule of thumb: Anyone with some thot as their avi is most likely ugly as sin and a f***en virgin to top it off
Rule of thumb: Anyone with some thot as their avi is most likely ugly as sin and a f***en virgin to top it off
Not one selfie posted yet. I believe none of you.
Nigga came in here hoping to see pictures of men
Nigga came in here hoping to see pictures of men
You not tryna be on gaytt? 👀
Girls always tryna “omg how tall are you” or “wow you have nice eyes“ their way into some d*** . Get some new pickup lines already
Last night made 4 niggas jealous, cause i was dancing and they gfs all the sudden showed up right next to me,i wasnt even flirting
Intimidatingly is real
Last night made 4 niggas jealous, cause i was dancing and they gfs all the sudden showed up right next to me,i wasnt even flirting
Intimidatingly is real
I’ve noticed Team ugly boys are usually the ones playa hating
Girls always tryna “omg how tall are you” or “wow you have nice eyes“ their way into some d*** . Get some new pickup lines already
came in this thread cuz the title was hilarious but the "omg how tall are you" s*** really is repetitive lol hella accurate