if im high i might hit shordy raw but i still pull out b4 i nut
ill finger her or sumn
you should be fine, i had it in march and it was no biggie
unless you're obese or immunocompromised
is your mom particularly at risk
dawg its been months since it came out
j&j is gone
cdc said well just need booster shots every now and then
Compunds that arent supposed to be injected into organic beings
takes sip of redbull while ordering a bigmac with his iphone 6
to each their own. i hope you bet correctly but your fear of the vax does interest me. makes it sound like all us vaccinated people are gunna die
You do you man, but I'm just saying you wouldn't even be sweating rn if you had the vaccine. Gotta deal with the consequences now.
Quarantine for two weeks and you should be cool.
I been making fun of you this whole thread but let me be real with you for a sec and try to help you understand where you are going wrong.
You keep spewing this bullshit about you don't trust anybody...thats fine but if you are gonna go that far, then you need to be able to do your own REAL scientific research and to disprove what they say and not just pick and choose who you want to believe. Why the f*** are you taking your brother's word about this anyway, is he a scientist, does he even know what that chemical is or WHY it "shouldn't" be injected into organic beings. Better yet do you or even him know what the f*** organic means? And no in this context it doesn't mean f***ing pesticide free.
You need to be able to put your trust in professionals that spend their life on their trait...are you out here wiring your own house or you letting an electrician do that? You out here performing surgery on yourself or you gonna let a surgeon do that? You building your own car? Do you know how much f***ing math and science and engineering goes into all these things we take for granted? Either question everything that you yourself have not built and done or shut the f*** up and stop disrespecting people who put effort into giving so many of these things we take for granted.
hope you and your family get through it. wish there wasn't this fog of misinformation around vaccines causing the distrust. would save tons of lives.
not trusting the government is entirely valid so i recommend looking at the massive volume of neutral scholarly research on the efficacy of both the covid vax and vaccines in general
almost 200 m americans have gotten vaccinated with minimal adverse reactions. 99.9 percent of new hospitalizations r unvaxxed. if u don’t trust numbers, ask vaxxed friends.
hope you and your family get through it. wish there wasn't this fog of misinformation around vaccines causing the distrust. would save tons of lives.
plus covid vax might need reup in 6 months bc so many americans not gonna get it
You sound like the ex-meth head white middle age woman I worked with who didn’t believe in vaccines cause Facebook told her it had aluminum and that aluminum shouldn’t be in the body.
Op really just said why cant u accept i have a difference of opinion of the vaccine like the whole world didnt just go through 2020