just listened to the new version on Apple Music (The Heart PT5 included) and it seems like they removed the steps noises from the intro.
noticed that a few days ago on apple music yea its still the same on spotify tho
he finally stopped tap dancing around the conversation
so there’s the one with the ye line then the bron one then now it’s got no tap dancing
i see the b**** ass drake stans are already starting with the conspiracy theories itt
so there’s the one with the ye line then the bron one then now it’s got no tap dancing
You heard the ye line ?
You heard the ye line ?
it’s something like ye taught you to speak loud but he is not your saviour or some s***
Just put the art out and stop tampering with it after the fact, nigga you been working on it for however long, you had enough time
Make sense, confused me why there was elements of the big steppers side on the morale side
First he admitted to cheating on sme girl with WHITE women, then added the heart part 5 a week after the album has been released and now this???
SMH Kendrick isn’t the same anymore, he fell off!
i see the b**** ass drake stans are already starting with the conspiracy theories itt
Tough week to be a kendrick stan
No more sales
No more p4k BNM slurping
And now no more artistic integrity