When u smoke that fire za and just start looking in the fridge for 20 monutes plotting your scooby do sandwich 😂😂
Did the AI confuse pac and dmx for that second pic
Is it actually a gay thing? Lmao I dont know if wearing a watch on another wrist makes u want to f*** guys
lol it’s just a saying he’s wearing it on the right wrist on the picture after that
its a thing like wearing one earring used to be seen as gay. but I think now I just view ppl who wear watch on right hand are lefties.
Yeah it’s just a funny belief or thing or whatever it’s not that serious lol
I have never once wore a watch on my left wrist and have never once desired cock. Don’t be a cornball
Don’t feelnoway now feelnoway it’s not that serious :)
When u smoke that fire za and just start looking in the fridge for 20 monutes plotting your scooby do sandwich 😂😂
When u smoke that fire za and just start looking in the fridge for 20 monutes plotting your scooby do sandwich 😂😂