I’m still confused about how mj’s kids aren’t black
They aint his kids genetically.. he picked random spunk based on features he liked most on humans, he made designer babi3s before it was cool. GoAT
'Cause what man wants to admit that they're using another man's sperm?
He really chose a 2/10 white woman to have kids with and marry wtf
Elvis Presley daughter. He probably thought them babies was gonna be superstars
michael jackson was actually supposed to make music for sonic 3
I remember this
Not that I'm that old.but I remember reading it somewhere
Elvis Presley daughter. He probably thought them babies was gonna be superstars
That's not Elvis Presley's daughter in the pic, it's Debbie Rowe
I’m still confused about how mj’s kids aren’t black
I mean, look at Logic. Mixed but looks so white that he should be Danny Tanner’s son.
People always refuse to believe what their eyes and common sense are clearly telling them.
The jackson family genes are strong as fck he has nephews that look exactly like him but his own kid doesn’t? Its like the wayans family you can see the resemblance three generations apart
MJ’s life is just a big mystery.
You’ll never get the real answers. You can do all the research but you’ll never be 100%
Didn't inherit any of his genes smh
Talking s*** just to talk. Explain how he has vitiligo?
It’s the same people in every MJ thread talking with so much confidence and knowing so little..
His kid thought Ready Player One was based on a video game
You already know some nigga named blanket aint getting a proper education getting raised in a treehouse by a guy who believes hes peter pan
paris looks so much like mj
If you wanna f*** her you wanna f*** mj deep down
It’s the same people in every MJ thread talking with so much confidence and knowing so little..
Break it down for us please big fella
I’m still confused about how mj’s kids aren’t black
Those ain his biological children
is no one talking about how this MF is wearing a tde hoodie in all the film reviews?? and he's doing film reviews with Micheal jackson's son all for about 30k views??? and they've been making videos for years ??????
That’s his other son
That’s his other son
Thats so wild how theyre basically royalty but they living like regular dudes.
I think they deserve a quiet life man. They seem like good people despite how crazy they could really get with it if they wanted to.
I imagine being michael jacksons kid was always f***ing insane. The fact that they seem even relatively normal is a miracle.
Thats so wild how theyre basically royalty but they living like regular dudes.
I think they deserve a quiet life man. They seem like good people despite how crazy they could really get with it if they wanted to.
I imagine being michael jacksons kid was always f***ing insane. The fact that they seem even relatively normal is a miracle.
Oh for sure I’m sure they’ve had enough of that Hollywood life just in their childhood, I’d want to be on some regular s*** too