They finally treat their talent right and push and give us the superstars we want. They literally can put on mini WM stacked cards each week. Or like AEW does between PPVs like FFTF, Fyter, and so on
They can't do that because they have PPVs every month. AEW can afford to put big matches on TV every week because they only run like 4 PPVs a year.
That’s what they have to do now lol Put on great content and also acknowledge NXT too lol
depends on the definition of what they "have" to do, they don't have to do anything to continue getting their money, and they've been downgrading NXT ever since they went live. if they didn't do it before they are not doing it now
I kinda wanna see Christian turn heel and just absolutely f*** Marko stunt up. Like punt him dead in the chest
Punk coming is really going to change a lot of top guys in WWEs mind to probably venture out. I’m almost positive he didn’t come right away was due to seeing if it would be a legit company that could stand on its own
I kinda wanna see Christian turn heel and just absolutely f*** Marko stunt up. Like punt him dead in the chest
Wouldn’t be surprised if Christian specifically wanted to work with Jurassic to develop them more
Stop it with the dumb Matt Hardy feud put Christian in something interesting
inner circle
Wouldn’t be surprised if Christian specifically wanted to work with Jurassic to develop them more
Yup.. he probably see’s a young Christian in Jungle Boy.
Apparently Christian came up with that Peter Avalon stable too
It’s funny when people online s*** on wrestling fans for hijacking WWE shows but you hardly notice that with any other wrestling company…
i think they'll set up something good for Christian soon, they keep talking about how he's undefeated
NXT is nothing to invest in anymore and has been that way for a long time. Why have any emotional investment when they all get s*** on by the main roster
i think they'll set up something good for Christian soon, they keep talking about how he's undefeated
WWE has programmed wrestling fans that stories need to end in 3 weeks
Shane to AEW confirmed