I'm not looking forward to Cole/Britt vs Sammy/Tay.......
Why would you put that out here in the universe
There might could be a double turn in the Britt/Ruby match tho
I saw someone else mention that.
I saw someone else mention that.
It’s set up perfectly for them to do it honestly
Why would you put that out here in the universe
Scorp turned back heel out of nowhere, Cole and Britt in the finals, Sammy and Tay just won the AAA mixed tag titles, the winners of the OHC get black and pink belts, all four have no clear direction rn........I'm scared but I see it coming
New TNT belt looks pretty cool
ngl they need to keep this color scheme and just change the "champion" part to black once Skyy looses the belt.
This scheme looks fire af.
This better be the last time we see Sky/Tay/Sammy/Lambert/Frankie tbh. I'm done with them.
Wardlow needs to immediately get the title from either of them.
I saw someone else mention that.
Hmmm she DID beat two fan favorites back to back
I'm not looking forward to Cole/Britt vs Sammy/Tay.......
Boy you had me for a sec
AEW womens booking is absolutely terrible outside of Jade.
Reddit mad about Ruby lmao.