he dead
You gotta get a bonus for taking bumps like that
they get to watch "mox vs cope" after
Good match idc
Losing with his ass cheek out
Okay maybe Jim Cornette might have a point
I hate ospreay dawg lmaoo
Okay maybe Jim Cornette might have a point
F*** that old bag of s***
Okay maybe Jim Cornette might have a point
Mox Cope is about to be so ass lmao
Fletcher let the pigeons lose
When did speaking out loud during matches become a thing? What made that a trend
Roman reigns
Ocean Spray
When did speaking out loud during matches become a thing? What made that a trend
Roman rubbing niggas in the ring
I enjoyed most of that but yeahhhhhhh those last 10 minutes
A styles clash onto tacks absolutely has to be a finish
I enjoyed most of that but yeahhhhhhh those last 10 minutes
Should’ve ended before the fat f*** ran in