Can't make a unhinged joke no mo mane
It's all love
I need King Switch to come through on some bandit s***
Shane “One of the Good Ones” McMahon
Shane “One of the Good Ones” McMahon
Jay White or Christian gotta walk out as champion tonight, holding the title up
Cope trying so hard to be apart of Community Creations
Shane vs Swerve with Linda in the corner
Black Studies in on the line
now youre cooking
Announcing him as Cope just feels so nasty man
It’s like watching Randy Moss in a Titans uniform
Please save me Jay White
Shane vs Swerve with Linda in the corner
Black Studies in on the line
iiight lmaooo
Deranged gimmick is so corny
Shane vs Swerve with Linda in the corner
Black Studies in on the line
why are you like this
this gonna be 2000 wcw levels of f***ery
Man that NJPW theme fire
Jay White or Christian gotta walk out as champion tonight, holding the title up
How would it be Jay white
Shane vs Swerve with Linda in the corner
Black Studies in on the line
They should’ve put this match on zero hour
How would it be Jay white
Stealing Christians contract and turning on Edge
Don't you post in JBO?
I'm giving the people what they want