He jumped off a Buffalo Wild Wings cuz they wouldn’t give him anymore sauce for his butthole
Funny thing is, we saw what heel Edge was like not that long ago
Judgment day edge sucked too… he’s just better as a scumbag heel I think lmao
Feels like Mox is winning
Ref bump aight let's go
oh brother
End the match man
Worst paradigm shift ever what was that
Alright bro
Judgment day edge sucked too… he’s just better as a scumbag heel I think lmao
tbf I don’t think he was given a proper chance with Judgement Day. It was interesting to me ngl
Edge is sandbagging
Adam please, you have a baby girl go be a present father
I just wanna see if someone cashes in at the end or I would’ve gone to play video games
save us cleaner
https://twitter.com/kennyomegamanx/status/1898945297713422724Idk if it’s the lens on the cam but Kenny built weird as hell
Was wondering when the ref bump was happening. I was starting to get worried
Nigga sized him up three times get serious brother