i was gonna wait until september cause usually its on sale but
gotta stay strong out here, trust
Mariah May get everythang she want now
I love her
When Naomi helps her win at mania
Show gave me that ppv hangover today so yeah they knocked it out the park
Sucks the main event didn't land...everyone was going in saying Toni and Mariah should have main evented and they're now suffering the consequences of making a different decision (even though I don't agree that the main event brought down the rest of the show...shit was great
F*** this match
Still haven’t beat it
Took me three times they always attack me while climbing but keep letting anyone else go
Tay out here posting insta shorts about Sammy eating her ass these mfs
john gotta use one of these for his heel theme lmao
Wild it was only 13 minutes s*** felt like a half hour (in a good way)
In for some Sports Entertainment
That as a fire shot of Bianca
oh god
Yeet Man in Knicks colors
I'm conflicted
i be talking s*** about jey but he already got me yeeting at the garden smh
i be talking s*** about jey but he already got me yeeting at the garden smh
This was me when i went to Raw a few weeks ago
yeeting at your wedding?
we are off to a HORRIBLE start
Starting off Raw with Yeet Man and Austin Theory, yeah lemme go grab some food and break this fast