Nigga sprinting through the crowd
Great Match
Apperantly he has family that works there
Wonder who the f*** it is though cause that man has been front row since like 05 lmao
Senor Gable*
Auto correctssss
Is it me for pat looks 10x older lmao
Is that Fabolous
Is that Fabolous behind commentary?
Nigga Fabolous jacket shiny af
Finn winning the title?
Chicken tender pillows
Liv rolex fire she got that s*** on
Fab never ages fr
Macaulay with the pop
Why does Macaulay get the pop of the night every time lmaoooo
Legend fr
Macaulay forever over
No love for his brother right beside him tho lol
This washed ass nigga fabolous wanna fit in so bad going to a wrestling show lmao they won’t even acknowledge him & he’s right behind Cole
nigga shut up we dont need to hear you during the entrance