We could’ve had another Christian world title run
sadly we did not tk f***ed up AS USUAL
Real wrestling is back
Punk’s favor imo is destroying his creation (The Shield) and making him a champion.
Seth likely winning at Mania.
This is gonna steal the show for mens matches.
my goat taking bumps off the top of the cage
I don't think it'll be a bad match because both could work. But out of all available options that match just seems underwhelming on paper, if that makes sense
has to be an interesting stipulation at this point
Having the show on Saturdays was a horrific decision
https://twitter.com/njpwworld/status/1899410809702502533That's not Shota that's Jon Notsley
I was a shota guy but damn he fell the f*** off over the past year
SANADA really the new JJ
Just stopping by to say f*** Logan Paul and f*** Andrew Schultz...carry on
Thought I was the only person that thought he looks like gotch
That’s probably what 👃👃👃 thought taking that picture
That’s probably what 👃👃👃 thought taking that picture
Nah he probably thought “ah yes a fellow racist”
Casually rocking balenciaga lol
Nah he probably thought “ah yes a fellow racist”
True, kill him
Need Bianca/Rhea/Iyo to steal the show tbh
Do any of y'all ever wonder (pun intended) that Stevie Wonder isn't blind and has been working the general public for over half a century?
It would be an elite level in terms of keeping kayfabe in the public eye
Just stopping by to say f*** Logan Paul and f*** Andrew Schultz...carry on