Starting with the hardys?
Moose and Oba should be good
Oba should squash that boy
Fraxiom don’t miss and the Hardyz have actually been pretty good lately so I would imagine this should be good
Gonna say it hardys might be the greatest tag team of all Time
indy promotions banding together to protest that s***
As they should
Fake ass Forbidden Door
"Book em on your shows as long as they don't lose to anyone that isn't a WWE ID talent especially those AEW mfs"
This setup looks cool
“Okay fine… 10 likes for the next big wwe id talent reveal”
ladies and gentlemen….. jack cartwheel
Kinda funny the Hardy’s are still the most popular tag team in wwe even now
TNA chants on wwe television
They cooking
gonna watch after work got it set to record
nxt women’s division better also
Agree we need changes
One hand push ups?
Giulia really hurt?
Still wondering why they rushed this title for title
Phoenix splash tuff
Jeff hit that twist of fate hard af lmaoooooo he snapped tf outta Nathan neck
Nah they moving moving