The nigga shield is what you were thinking
Fake ass House of Black
I'm getting control your narrative vibes
swear this nigga look like 4 different races
Racists towards eddy Thorpe smh
This nigga Trick refuse to wear a shirt ever
Tbh if i look like that i would do the same no diddy
Je’Von was on Dark before
The hell lmao
Them passing up on Je'von is still crazy, I don't want to hear any excuses
Them passing up on Je'von is still crazy, I don't want to hear any excuses
Well to be fair
She got gold horns
It’s over
She does like em dark
Dam TK fumbled
Say his name, and he appears.
Them passing up on Je'von is still crazy, I don't want to hear any excuses
This was around the same time Tony was getting same allegations that Triple H does. He don’t book black people.