blaccent at damn near 50
We just need him back wrestling like he did as Jungleboy
I like the Jack Perry heel character but his in ring work has taken a hit bc of it and now he's not as interesting in the ring
That’s true ricochet is proving you can be heel and do flippy s***
Does Heel Cena bring back the blaccent ?
I just want yall to know i was right about Ricky
Yeah but denial is a hoe ass mf in here
Barnett still mad about TK not letting him use his own music last time lol (Josh not op)
Billie vs Mone for the Boston Dynamite coming up...Athena shows up after to challenge Mone
Just don't know how it leads to Billie beating Athena finally before that without making Athena look weak unless maybe Mone tries to add the ROH women's title to her collection and Billie beats Athena further down the clue
Billie vs Mone for the Boston Dynamite coming up...Athena shows up after to challenge Mone
Just don't know how it leads to Billie beating Athena finally before that without making Athena look weak unless maybe Mone tries to add the ROH women's title to her collection and Billie beats Athena further down the clue’m thinking Athena loses at double or nothing then rematch at all in
I’m thinking Athena loses at double or nothing then rematch at all in
I could see that...Athena takes the ROH title, Athena takes the TBS title in the rematch , and the ROH title ends up barely featured on ROH TV to go along with the rest of their top f***ing champs apparently
Athena vs Mercedes gonna rule when it happens though they both been teasing it for some time
Mfs talking about "work slap" in interviews and big nose told you it's fake on the RAW debut intro yet an actress using the wrong words on a ppv the end of the world apparently
I was gonna fantasy book you not being a lil b**** but unfortunately I was told that was far too preposterous
I was gonna fantasy book you not being a lil b**** but unfortunately I was told that was far too preposterous
Are they hawking niggas down or is this a threat
long paragraphs for athena