so they are semi-permanent and can be turned on during the right season? nice
Are the cosmetics from the deluxe edition worth it or should I just get the standard edition on sale
Are the cosmetics from the deluxe edition worth it or should I just get the standard edition on sale
Standard, base game already has an insane over abundance of cosmetics
Are the cosmetics from the deluxe edition worth it or should I just get the standard edition on sale
Get the Deluxe Edition and NieR: Automata DLC fam
Are the cosmetics from the deluxe edition worth it or should I just get the standard edition on sale
Just some gold recolors
I can’t wait to play this at full volume on a windy spring afternoon with the windows open
I can’t wait to play this at full volume on a windy spring afternoon with the windows open
Stellar Boys we never lose
Stellar Boys we never lose
we getting that Mann fight?
Do these DLC actually add content or just costumes?
just costumes and cosmetics unfortunately, lol I was confused because I thought we might be getting nier related content back when that was announced
just costumes and cosmetics unfortunately, lol I was confused because I thought we might be getting nier related content back when that was announced
This one does seem to have a new area and boss tho