What’s the point
My iq massive but my grammar dumb
Who invented grammar
Move to random please
I was already in half op when I realized this should be on random but I didn’t want to do it all again even if could’ve simply copy paste
Mode to random mods please
policing people’s grammar is a form of white supremacy
Loool this is actually true when you think about it
op is hopsin
i think one should be capable of using proper grammar but also allowed 2 use language the way they want
Lol back in high school a chick asked why I typed like I do and I completely changed to proper grammar from there on out
policing people’s grammar is a form of white supremacy
these foreign exchange students made fun of me for my poor chinese once
Lol back in high school a chick asked why I typed like I do and I completely changed to proper grammar from there on out
Sucked the spirit out of you in a random convo
Y’all talking s***?
If you spell out El Oh El in a chat, I'm blocking you. And if you say it irl I'm muting you
If everyone upheld proper grammar, we’d probably be speaking the same ancient languages because nothing is adaptable
Language truly is a tool to help navigate the environment. I can totally feel newspeak developing at the moment too