30 hours is the greatest song ye's put out this decade
All of the Lights
Lost in the World
Blame Game
Devil in a New Dress
So Appalled
Real Friends
Saint Pablo
30 Hours is a great song though
what do yuo want us to prove mab everyone got their own tastes if u dont like it u dont like it u feel me ???
30 hours is the greatest song ye's put out this decade
one of my favorite ye songs. you real for this.
All of the Lights
Lost in the World
Blame Game
Devil in a New Dress
So Appalled
Real Friends
Saint Pablo
30 Hours is a great song though
maybe it's because i mostly listen to music while driving, but there is no better ye record to cruise to than 30 hours. my top three is :
flashing lights
30 hours
lost in the world
I definitely wouldn’t say it’s trash but it’s not nearly as good as these forum members make it out to be.
Blows my mind when people declare it top anything.
Then again, the song is pure bait to KTT members who are suckers for Kanye feeling sorry for himself about mental illness.
maybe it's because i mostly listen to music while driving, but there is no better ye record to cruise to than 30 hours. my top three is :
flashing lights
30 hours
lost in the world
Word. 30 Hours is a top 5 Kanye driving song.