Digital foundry has already spoken but if you want to highlight a gamespot hardware review or any surface level mainstream hardware review, alright
I’m halfway through the digital foundry review and I’m actually learning s***
Demon souls remake and stellar blade on the pro are gorgeous
Can’t wait to peep stellar blade
They’re saying forbidden west has the best image quality of any game on consoles.
Death stranding 2 is gonna blow niggas socks off
I mean fax if u don’t care about fidelity in your games I don’t know why u would care. Most don’t, they just care about games
The issue, however, is that most of these new visual touches are extremely subtle, to the point where I spent a not-insignificant amount of time flipping back and forth between the cinematic, performance, and PS5 Pro modes to properly identify the changes. It's one of those things where if I hadn't spent the time closely inspecting inches of the screen, I probably would never have noticed it. This makes the visual tweaks to Demon's Souls that the PS5 Pro brings a ”nice-to-have” more than an essential upgrade. The graphical difference between cinematic and PS5 Pro, for most people, will be negligible, but the improved frame rate and the smoothness that comes from that is palpable in the game feel, and that was the objective, according to Cerny.
Yeah this is a long winded saying. Newest expensive console will sell because it promises the best graphics guaranteed.
Shame that dragons dogma 2, dragon age TV and Alan wake 2 have issue with pssr. Hope they can get patches to fix them up
Digital foundry has already spoken but if you want to highlight a gamespot hardware review or any surface level mainstream hardware review, alright
I’m halfway through the digital foundry review and I’m actually learning s***
He is a good reviewer sorry posting it made you insecure
Shame that dragons dogma 2, dragon age TV and Alan wake 2 have issue with pssr. Hope they can get patches to fix them up
What’s wrong with dragon age? It’s just not working?
Just got a job might have to cop this for black friday
Can't wait to camp outside Target in a tent
Actually reading the gamespot review, it’s fair. He is a good writer. I was going off the dogshit headline and how condom eyes is as a human being. But I can admit when I’m wrong
yeah think my first game is gonna be horizon remastered. Never played it and looks to be like a showcase title
@Makaveli dragon age has shimmering and pop in on foliage
! getting a smooth locked 60fps upgrade
Picking this up in 40 min
Ps5 pro secured
Heading inside cvs no one break into my car while I’m gone
Ps5 pro secured
Congrats Kroniic truly no matter how much I may joke about it I am happy for you in this situation you won
Congrats Kroniic truly no matter how much I may joke about it I am happy for you in this situation you won
Cost me 300 after tax