Third by Portishead been blowing me away and sorta fits the bill
Love this album so much
@rvi you know of any Texas psychedelic besides 13th floor from the same time/era?
The Golden Dawn
Red Krayola
The Golden Dawn
! Krayola
! comment section on Starvation
Great songs too, thank you
Great comment section on Starvation
Great songs too, thank you
Red Krayola best heard as a full album listen
Red Krayola best heard as a full album listen
Was looking for full albums so I'm on that for sure but thanks for stressing that
Millennium begin is really the greatest s*** ever
That and Sagittarius' Present Tense will transport you
That and Sagittarius' Present Tense will transport you
I’ve always put it off bc of the cover but knowing now the same guy worked on both
I’ve always put it off bc of the cover but knowing now the same guy worked on both
PT easily a top ten psych album for me
You need to hear the single version of this song tho cause something was lost with the album version
If anybody want to really dive in to this era then here's some playlists curated by a 20 year psychedelic fanatic (me);
9 hours of 1966;
18 hours of 1967;
18 hours of 1968;
There are other genres in there too but it's mainly psych and I've compiled 1000 gems you won't hear without doing a ton of research
Millennium begin is really the greatest s*** ever
blue jay way
PT easily a top ten psych album for me
You need to hear the single version of this song tho cause something was lost with the album version
! looks brudda