He shared it on his official TikTok account
Check the caption: “who ready?”
Its the “Hate The Game” snippet vm.tiktok.com/ZMdBPekK4
He said a couple months ago he was planning to release his album around August
I ADORE SEX... BUT NIGGA PLEASE... THRILLER is arguably the best most infectious song ever... Billie Jean, PYT, Beat it, Wanna be starting suntan... ONCE AGAIN I LOVE S***BUT NO... cut it the f*** out ... it can happen but if these are the snippets already stop IT
he’s gna trash all those amazing snippets for wheezy guitar beats rapping abt p****
Thug is one of the rare artists that could drop 1000000 songs per day and I’d still want more this man never misses fr
thread aged like krafts cheese
Thug fans d***rode themselves into disappointment