You start here
And here
And with these
If you like BLR2 and the current wave / sound of rap, check out Blood Moon EP, Vampire Life the Mixtape, Rihanna’s Baby Daddy, Florida Stick Drill EP and his 2020 singles.
Also check out Winter’s Mine 5 ❄️
If you like Intoxxxicated, check out Dark Angels Project, his 2013 and 2014 singles, The Winter’s Mine 1 and 2, Blood Red Moet and OverKill 2
If you like Phonk era Purrp, checkout his NASA Lost Tapes (mainly vol. 2), A bootleg comp called SpaceGhostPurrp Loosies and his Blvck Tvpe tracks with ASAP Mob
Also great starting places: Ashview Heights Legend dj mix
Rvrx instrumentals
finally set aside some time and im currently listening to IntoXXXicated right now the production of this is INSANE and it came out in 2014 I truly believe the industry was watching his every move at some point