Bruh why do you care so much about what other people listen to?
bc people feel the need in bashing popular bands to look cool
I'm bumping the smashing pumpkins right now
great band
i feel like ur too hung up on the ppl who listen to the music rather than the music itself. at least it seems to me
like fam just cause white ppl listen to it doesn't mean it's bad white ppl listen to everything ๐ญ
white people are the primary listeners of most of the bands he named like tf is he talking about
Bruh why do you care so much about what other people listen to?
its all a trick to generate some actual music discussion and an active thread
I'm bumping the smashing pumpkins right now
Sounds kinda.. normie
I see a lot hate for them in here
But Kanye was heavily influenced by them
bc people feel the need in bashing popular bands to look cool
As if anyone on this site is even cool themselves
the joshua tree
achtung baby
the unforgettable fire and zooropa are also worth a listen
I honestly forgot this was a U2 thread
which album
actually a single by them "the beginning is the end is the beginning" off the Batman and Robin Soundtrack
billy corgan is a great representation of the effects of male pattern baldness on the human psyche
Sounds kinda.. normie
Normie.... That was the guy that sat next to Cliff in Cheers, right?
Or is it a Cockney pronunciation of Normandy?
Or are you referring to the grandson of the original Green Goblin?
Or, more likely, are you attempting to dismiss any criticism by applying a derisive label to anyone who doesn't agree with you?
If one needs "credentials to assess this meme", then it's not a meme; it's an obscure in-joke (at best).
Which prompts me to ask... what are your "credentials"? By what standards and in what artistic, literary, and/or historical contexts should these "post-ironic memes" be judged? From whence do they derive their impetus and "collective understanding" (an integral aspect of a meme)?
Would you say that they owe their ancestry to Duchamp's dadaism? Or are they more of a progression of Becket's absurdist aesthetic? The "post-ironic" appellation suggests an element of satire (though none is readily apparent in the examples shown). If that's the case: Is the intent to emulate the classical scathing satire of Swift and Voltaire, or the modern comedic approach of Breathed and Radner? Oh... or is the fact that these unintelligible visual cacophonies are presented as memes actually a twist on the abstract surrealism of the likes of Cage? That would actually be cool.
If you're going to insist that your "art" or "movement" has validity, you need to be able to step up and actually defend it. "You're too 'normal' to understand" is the biggest cop-out of the wannabe. To paraphrase Einstein: If you can not explain it, you don't understand it".
So... explain this "post-ironic meme" thing.
Let's start with the name: What does it mean to be "post-ironic"?
What is the irony that this meme transcends?
Then let's move to the heart of it: What is its history? Its ancestry? What are its goals? Its motivations?
And then to the iconography: Visual memes rely heavily upon readily recognizable and identifiable iconography--usually taken from pop culture. What are the images in the examples you showed supposed to mean? How are viewers supposed to recognize them, understand them, and identify with them?
Can you step up and have an intelligent and informed conversation on this topic? Or are passive-aggressive (attempts at) insults the only weapon in your arsenal?
LCD soundsystem is better than u2 tho sorry
They don't make them like Sound of Silver anymore.
That egyptian avi fat ass basement dweller remains a pathetic loser that bragged about spending 13 years on f***ing 4chan but he put me on Deerhunter so thx for that Go f*** yourself though #respectfully
LCD soundsystem is better than u2 tho sorry
daft punk is playing at my house is fire
I'm bumping the smashing pumpkins right now
my favs
I'm bumping the smashing pumpkins right now
what you listenin to