"classics" for who?
idk dawg they’re generally a respected band and people say the joshua tree one of the best albums of the 80s
idk dawg they’re generally a respected band and people say the joshua tree one of the best albums of the 80s
who nigga? who is we
idk dawg they’re generally a respected band and people say the joshua tree one of the best albums of the 80s
u2 disrespect is usually do to songs of innocence and the fact that bono is an insufferable person irl, besides that, nothing much
they not in the top 100 rock albums ever
yeah id agree but still think theyre good
Someone already posted Beautiful Day, my other 2 favorite U2 songs are:
Still Havent Found What Im Looking For
With or Without You
Damn I just looked it up and both those songs are on the same album Joshua Tree
I've never heard a U2 album in full, might have to peep this one out now
who remembers "The Man" from kanyetothe, that user
Hey this new user is talking some s*** bro
U2 was one of the first bands I ever liked. When you see their live setup as a kid it's impressive af. They're a great live band. Until the late 90s they've got a really good discography too thanks to Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois. They sold their souls and fell off which made people forget how great they were.
U2's just boomer/dad/butt rock tbh.
have a soft spot for this song tho
amazing song
I know dude did not just spend 7 pages arguing about his elite non normie taste just to come back and post The Cure, Velvet Underground and The Strokes
u mad that they all better than u2??
I’m sure you’re up to speed by now but The Joshua Tree, Achtung Baby and All That You Can’t Leave Behind are their best imo.
Legendary, amazing band. They do have some garbage though.