I dont stan U2, I like their music but I'm not defending it or being ridiculous. I'm not gonna argue w someone if they dont have the same opinion lol
thats what an argument is for.... wtf
YTs now attacking Colored history, Egypt ftw
i don’t like you using colored being a 4chan user and all
f*** off you stupid c***. why the f*** are you being a d***head to me when nothing i said was wrong. they’re a respected band who are seen as legends in the rock community who get a lot of love for their s*** in the 80s and 90s. now whether you like em or not is up to you but stop acting obtuse and tryna fish for likes
You didn't have to create a copypasta for this but I love that you did
You didn't have to create a copypasta for this but I love that you did
u wanna die on that hill?
youre an actual stupid c*** who tryna fish for likes lol. only a c*** like you will still try to argue with me rn about the fact they’re a band with a lot of acclaim. i for instance hate led zeppelin but they’re very respected and have classics which i can admit. why you can’t do the same is i don’t know i guess you want attention from forum niggas
thats what an argument is for.... wtf
I can picture you furiously pressing keys in anger that people disagree with you on an opinion dumbass
Do you like u2 I've never listened to them
They're alright but I don't really actively listen to them.
this is a very interesting website
You could give Joshua Tree a listen if you do want to check them out
You could give Joshua Tree a listen if you do want to check them out
rvi said I probably wouldn't like them though
Danny told me to come here where are the funny posts?
Not funny didnt laugh this thread sucks man
Most hilarious U2 related thing ever is when they had to cancel a concert cuz the IRA threatened to kidnap Bono f*** Those p**** ass pacifists