Alright or don't, a******!
Man ok that does it. Who tf is Bob Ross?
Monty Burns! Pleasure seeing you here in the Put me on U2/Bono thread!
Hello YANDHI IS KING! Make sure to spend your money at the local energy concern.
Drop the meatball pic
Hello YANDHI IS KING! Make sure to spend your money at the local energy concern.
Mr. Snrub, is that you?
bro back to the music, I don't think U2 are horrible bit they are middle to bad territory for Rock, and that is my opinion that is shared by millions of Rock enthusiasts
surely this thread contains 26 pages of op getting put onto U2/Bono!
bro back to the music, I don't think U2 are horrible bit they are middle to bad territory for Rock, and that is my opinion that is shared by millions of Rock enthusiasts
cool mane you never answered my questions lmfao b**** ass motherfucker
yes bono is corny but not many bands can pull up like this
!!! wording is weird man like „put me on“ man it is not that hard to go to their spotify site and click on their most popular album
Man ok that does it. Who tf is Bob Ross?
Robert Norman "Bob“ Ross war ein US-amerikanischer Maler und Fernsehmoderator.
bro back to the music, I don't think U2 are horrible bit they are middle to bad territory for Rock, and that is my opinion that is shared by millions of Rock enthusiasts
On the other hand, Arcade Fire are the best band in the world
Whole thread in absolute shambles
where are mods when you need them
Robert Norman "Bob“ Ross war ein US-amerikanischer Maler und Fernsehmoderator.
Speak english man
I’m having a great time
That @McLovin guy is the best new user