That guy still makes music?
Just released an album with a great DOOM feat
Someone tell him to unblock me on twitter i miss him 🥺
What did you do
His last album TIME is his best
His last few projects since that Jewish album have been his golden era in general
Where do I start? I've liked some of his work with Griselda
Start with his Kinison ep
So many cool band references
Start with his Kinison ep
So many cool band references
! Sonic Youth reference is ass
Made a misogynistic song in tribute to them
You’re asking to listen to Your Old Droog? There are easier ways to die in this world
You’re asking to listen to Your Old Droog? There are easier ways to die in this world
haha really? I know nothing about him, but a few songs that have popped up on Spotify haven't been too bad
haha really? I know nothing about him, but a few songs that have popped up on Spotify haven't been too bad
Nah he's good, why did you ignore the recommendations and only pay attention to someone who never heard a YOD album