Ur an idiot
Nuclear war is an idiots game
Putin’s a full on b**** for this. Short sighted piece of s***
Imagine getting riled up over fake news
Imagine getting riled up over fake news
It happens
My favorite pet conspiracy theory is that most of the US and Russian nukes have erectile dysfunction. They only spend money when they need the show, but the go looks like the DMV
Putin is the Drake of the political world. Tough talk, makes enemies with the wrong people and loses in the end. If Putin hits his "red button" he's finished.
Putin is the Drake of the political world. Tough talk, makes enemies with the wrong people and loses in the end. If Putin hits his "red button" he's finished.
reddit comment
Russia's strongest soldiers itt
Go join their army and get blasted by Wladimir's drone if you care about Russia so much. F*** Putin.
Russia's strongest soldiers itt
Go join their army and get blasted by Wladimir's drone if you care about Russia so much. F*** Putin.
reddit comment
I'm convinced Biden Atp doesn't give a f*** anymore after the whole "sleepy Joe" meme became bipartisan. Dudes like man f*** you guys too, have fun with Trump!!
Crazy that Ukraine had nukes back in the day
I'm convinced Biden Atp doesn't give a f*** anymore after the whole "sleepy Joe" meme became bipartisan. Dudes like man f*** you guys too, have fun with Trump!!
And he’s close to dying from old age. He’s like “if im dying I’m taking ya with me” lol
Russia's nuclear doctrine is to "escalate to deescalate." They want people like you to freak out or get annoyed over news like this and cause panic that would shape the decision making calculus of western officials. Russia wants to be seen as a country that could realistically nuke you despite the fact they've never launched a warhead before and will not here either. This is their playbook in action.
Also works for other reasons. Russia knows in 7 weeks the U.S will change leadership which could alter relations. Any new President does not want to inherit a bizarre scenario of nuclear threats over a country he does not care about, so they have further incentive to deescalate.
Crazy that Ukraine had nukes back in the day
They inherited nukes that Moscow had the launch sequence and control of. That's not exactly the same. Like nukes in Turkey don't count as Turkish nukes because they have no operational control. The U.S does.
Ukraine's government had committed to no nukes or program development in 1990 while they were still in the USSR. They could have easily developed their own program sure but Ukraine with nukes was never going to happen in the 90s. It was a different era of attempts to strip down stocks worldwide