we keep posting below each other in threads these past days bro
This really doesn’t look as bad as the article says it is tbh
He didn't even "shove" her. It looks like she just might've hurt herself fighting and just backed off.
we keep posting below each other in threads these past days bro
synchronized goats??? of course!
He did nothing wrong, she tried to hit him, if I was him I would press charges, looks like assault right there, time to reverse the roles on these hoes
"As Saweetie lay on the ground -- possibly injured -- he stood there without helping her up ... even staring down at her a couple different times."
She was trying to hit him w/ a suitcase and he took from her. But we're going to skip over that. Act like he hit her w/ an RKO.
the elevator opening and dude outside not even moving or attempting to get in has me flying
They said Quavo shoved her.....
Did they watch the video??
Quavo dodges the hit, dropping an orange Call of Duty case in the process ... which Saweetie tries to pick up. Quavo grabs it, and as they struggle for the case, he shoves her to the floor of the elevator ... and Quavo ends up with the case in hand.
s*** reads like an action scene